
Dehydration can trigger kidney stones

As many as 46.1% of 1200 adolescents and adults in low and high in Indonesia, suffered mild dehydration. In fact, the condition will bring adverse effects on health. 

Hypertension Division, Department of Renal Medicine FK UI / Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Dr., Dr.dr. Parlindungan Siregar SpPD.KGH explain, dehydration will cause a disruption in brain function and physical. 

Parlindungan mentioned, disruption of brain function due to dehydration of which decrease the concentration and thinking ability, and intelligence. Meanwhile, a physical disorder such as headache, lethargy, weakness, seizures, fainting. 

''In fact, in the long run, dehydration causes urinary tract infections and the incidence of kidney stones,''said Parlindungan, in a press conference 'Beware of Dehydration Effect On Health' by the Indonesian Regional Hydration Study in Jakarta, Thursday (22/10). 

According to Parlindungan, one of the causes of dehydration is lack of water intake. He explained, the amount of water your body needs is 1 ml / kcals human body's energy needs. 

Parlindungan explained, the energy needs of adolescents and adults ranging from 1800 to 3000 kcals. Therefore, the body of water needs for adolescents and adults ranging from 1.8 to 3.0 liters a day. ''Because a third of body water obtained from food, the water consumption of the drink about two liters per day,''asserted Parlindungan. 

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Society of Nutrition and Food Interested Indonesia (Pergizi Food), Prof.Dr.Ir. Hardiansyah, add, water is one of the essential nutrients the body needs. In addition to the carrier nurisi and wastes, water also serves as a regulator of temperature, lubricant, and drag shocks. 

Hardiansyah disclose, to increase water consumption, it must be done to improve the knowledge changes people's behavior. He explains, one way to school through education and institutional approaches. 

Teenagers More Vulnerable 

Dehydration can strike all age groups. But compared to adults, adolescents age groups are experiencing more of these conditions. 

Based on research conducted Hydration The Indonesian Regional Study (Thirst) in 2009, from 1200 adolescents and adults in the study, 49.5% of patients proved to be a teenager dehydration. While 42.5% are adults. 

According to the Chairman of the Society of Nutrition and Food Interested Indonesia (Pergizi Food), Prof.Dr.Ir.Hardinsyah, the condition was caused by lack of knowledge about the function and adolescents water needs for the body. While adult age groups have a better knowledge. 

Hardinsyah explained, the water needs of the body is 1ml/Kkal body's energy needs. With the energy needs of teenagers and adults who reach 1800-3000 kcals, then the water needs range from 1.8 to 3.0 liters per day. ''In addition, environmental conditions are also very influential,''said Hardinsyah. 

Hardinsyah mentioned, one example of environmental conditions that encourage the emergence of dehydration in teens is a poor sanitation in the school toilets. He explained, would be lazy teens to drink because it was reluctant to use the toilet that bad in school
source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/84106/Dehidrasi_Bisa_Picu_Batu_Ginjal

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